Saturday, September 06, 2008

Squashberry Jelly






Wash squashberries and place in a large pot. Add enough water so that it just covers hand when pressed on berries. Boil until berries are scalded. Strain through a colander. Measure juice and cook 4 cups (1 L) at a time. Cover and bring to a boil. Stir in 1cup (250 mL) sugar to each cup (250 mL) juice. Boil until small amount sheets off a metal spoon. Skim off froth and pour into hot sterilized jars and seal.


Okay I have to tell you about this recipe. I followed the recipe exactly except for the last part about sheeting off the spoon, I wasn't even sure what that meant. I thought when the syrup like substance coated the spoon, so that is what I did. I did the whole boil my jars and lids, so I got that night sterile thing going. So that was all done and I just waited for it to set. The next day I was very aware that this was not going to set. So now I have four jars of squashberry syrup I guess. Oh well, failures do happen.


  1. Pour it back in the pot and reboil til it thickens up

  2. You just have to put it back in the pot and reboil until it thicken up.
